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Главная » 2014 » Июль » 10 » Alien Skin Snap Art v4.0.0.360 (x32/x64)
Alien Skin Snap Art v4.0.0.360 (x32/x64)
Alien Skin Tear Artistry v4.0.0.360 ( x32/x64 )
Alien Skin Snap Art - плагин для Adobe Photoshop от самого именитого разработчика Alien Skin Software, обернет ваши фото в настоящие создания искусства всего одним возгласом мыши. Snap Art кормит полно большой комплект подготовительных заготовок, какие подают возможность трансформировать фото в картиночки, описанные маслицем, углем, акварелью, разноцветными карандашами, рукой и чернилами, пастельными неглубокая, также в стиле комиксов, пуантилизма и импасто.

Способности Snap Art:
- Перевоплощение фото в произведения искусства
- Внедрение интегрированных пресетов для сотворения картин за один клик
- Поддержка Adobe Photoshop CS5, Photoshop Elements 6 и выше, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2
- Выбор типа и холста бумаги, на которой будет сотворено изображение
- Детальная симуляция кисти, неразличимая от натурального ручного рисования
- Достижение более высочайшего уровня фотореалистичности, чем в первой версии плагина
- Легкое внедрение программки в один клик
- И почти все другое, которое вам непременно понравится

Metamorphosing your photographs into beautiful works of artistry has never been loose than with Snap Artistry 4. By psychoanalysing the ocular components and proficiencies of artists through the hundreds, we have planned Snap Artistry to produce images that look they were мейд by a human, not a calculator.

Tear Artistry 4 leases you experimentation with multiple aesthetic styluses via a elementary, glossy exploiter port. The reviewed pattern and layout slenderizes misdirections and leaves tight ocular shopping of a full regalia of presets then you can attain hone ensues warm than always. Tear Artistry sours everyplace you do, nowadays with Aperture accompaniment and as a standalone coating that leaves loose heap serving.

Recently! Bettered Naturalism - Adaptation 4 applies more rectified shot location to maintain borders sharp and regurgitate innate texture. This maintains the dependent innate and recognizable. If you applied Tear Artistry in the past so you will mark dramatically open solutions, specially on portrayals.
Recently! Point Masquerade - Rather of ellipse фокус domains, Tear Artistry 4 nowadays has a point masquerade. This leases you apace commemorate precisely where you desire more point. This is outstanding for entrusting desktops pilfer while faces are detailed and natural.
Wide Range of Metiers and Styles - Snap Artistry can draw with a wide range of forcible metiers, such as oil paint, watercolor, pencil, and charcoal. Within those, you can opt from a overplus of styles like impasto, pointillism, or advanced artistry proficiencies like comedians and stylize.
Recently! Crayon and Bettered Specifies - We lent multiple crayon specifies for that mussy colored spirit. All the specifies for subsisting metiers characters were remade and regrouped to be loose to apply.

Recently! Everything inwards Single Stead - Tear Artistry went from ten filters to merely single. Nowadays you can research wholly of the metiers characters and styles inwards single stead without shifting filters. The intact exploiter port is redesigned for loose exploration. The presets are forever seeable along the left, thither is a tremendous trailer inwards the snapper, and you experiment with your stylus along the right.

Recently! Secret Complexity - Thither are nowadays specifies that controller radicals of interrelated slithered. This leases you apace experiment with one facet of the artistry, such equally emblazon strategy, without having to fudge four unlike slithered. We besides shrouded the more esoteric slithered by default then you toilet фокус along merely the about significant controllers.

Non - Destructive Blue - pencilling - Snap Artistry supports a non - destructive workflow, making experimentation loose. Effects in Photoshop are pictured on a new level, entrusting your original image uninfluenced. In Photoshop, Snap Artistry can be run as a Smart Filter for loose fine - tuning of the effect after it is produced.

Organization Prerequisites
Windowpanes: Pentium 4 processor or sympathetic and Windowpanes XP SP3 or modern
Proctor: 1024x768 declaration or outstanding

Host Prerequisites:
Tear Artistry 4 is a ballyhoo - in and wants single of the postdating innkeeper coatings:
Adobe Denounce CS4 or modern
Adobe Denounce Components 8 or modern
Adobe Denounce Lightroom 2 or modern
Год выхода: 2013
Версия: v4.0.0.360
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7/8
Язык Интерфейса: Side
Пилюля: Crack/Keygen
Размер: 49.12 Mb

Alien Skin Snap Art v4.0.0.360 (x32/x64)




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